Sunday, July 07, 2024

“Tolong regulasinya diperbaiki lg skrg zaman udah maju, masa manggil referee, wasit msh angkat tangan. Regulasi medisnya diperbaiki mana keperluan medis yg hrs melalui referee, mana keperluan medis yg hrs lgsg ditanganin. Nyawa seseorang engga bisa diganti dgn apapun. RIP Zhi Jie” @suk*****

“oh god.. gini doang? yall have to revise the regulations regarding treatment for athletes. Don't let us see another Zhang Zhijie. please bwf please terkait nyawa orang tuh ditangani serius, jangan tolol.” @gha*****

“Shame on you. Is there really no innitiative to better improve the procedure for medical emergency? Athlete's safety and health is the most important thing of anything else! Change the regulations!!” @sez******

“udah telat trus isinya gitu doang? jelek bgt lu bwf” @mei******

“Minimal keluarin surat. Ini cuma Tweet sebiji doang. Shame on you BWF!” @hyu******